Star Wars: The Arcade Game OBJECT To score as many points as possible by destroying a relentless swarm of IMPERIAL TIE FIGHTERS, a barrage of deadly fireballs, and a maze of sinister laser towers before finally blasting the infamous DEATH STAR from existence. SETTING THE CONSOLE CONTROLS 1. Place the cartridge firmly into the cartridge slot. 2. Turn the ON/OFF switch to ON. You'll see "STAR WARS: THE ARCADE GAME" appear on the screen. 3. Press the Fire buttons once to advance to the next screen. 4. Press any key on the key pad to reverse the directions in which the joystick will guide your ship (see JOYSTICK CONTROLLER section). 5. You'll see the words "WAVE 1," "WAVE 2," and "WAVE 3," each with a DEATH STAR displayed beneath it. 6. Using the joystick controller, position your sight (the cursor) directly over the DEATH STAR and WAVE number (difficulty level) you wish to play. 7. Press the Fire buttons once to begin that WAVE. THE JOYSTICK CONTROLLER Because this is a one-player game, plug the joystick controller into the jack labelled "1." Without pressing a key (see SETTING THE CONSOLE CONTROLS, #4.), the joystick operates much like the flight controls of an X-WING FIGHTER. To gain altitude (fly upwards), pull BACKWARDS on the joystick. To dive (fly downwards), push FORWARDS on the joystick. To reverse the way the joystick operates, simply follow step #4 under SETTING THE CONSOLE CONTROLS. To fly left or right, simply move the joystick in those directions. To fire your PROTON TORPEDOES, press both Fire buttons at the same time. Holding the Fire buttons will not produce rapid fire succession. PLAYING In this game, there are increasing WAVES of difficulty. Each WAVE features 3 Rounds (except for WAVE 1). The rounds involve: (1) destroying fireballs and shooting down TIE FIGHTERS patrolling the DEATH STAR (2) blasting fireballs and the tops off of LASER TOWERS along the surface of the DEATH STAR, and (3) destroying fireballs while avoiding CATWALKS in the DEATH STAR's EQUATORIAL TRENCH. It is in this last round that you must also hit the MAIN REACTOR PORT on the floor of the TRENCH with a PROTON TORPEDO to destroy the DEATH STAR completely! You'll begin the game at WAVE 1, Round 1 with 9 energy shields. Each time you successfully complete a WAVE, you'll automatically advance to the next and more difficult one with your remaining number of energy shields--plus 3 additional energy shields (NOTE: the maximum number of shields you can have at one time is 9). When you lose all 9 energy shields, and are hit by a fireball or fly into a CATWALK, you lose your X-WING FIGHTER and the game ends. You must begin again. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU. SHOOTING THE IMPERIAL TIE FIGHTERS Round #1 The IMPERIAL FLEET approaches! Their mission-- to protect the DEATH STAR at all costs. These TIE FIGHTERS are armed with deadly fireballs. It's up to you to blast as many TIE FIGHTERS and fireballs as possible in order to gain the most points. Each time a fireball impacts your ship, you lose 1 energy shield. Of course, DARTH VADER will not idly sit by as you attempt to destroy his FLEET! Amidst the barrage of IMPERIAL TIE FIGHTERS, you'll occasionally see one TIE FIGHTER that's a different shape than the others. That's DARTH VADER's ship! Be careful-- but be quick to blast him with your PROTON TORPEDOES and you'll gain extra points. Survive this round and advance to the next one with your remaining number of energy shields. BLASTING LASER TOWERS Round #2 You've made it past the IMPERIAL FLEET and now you're streaking across the surface of the DEATH STAR. Suddenly, you're caught in a maze of sinister looking LASER TOWERS that rise into the darkness of space. You'll have to do some fancy flying if you're to avoid hitting them with your X-WING FIGHTER. Set your sights on the tops of these towers as you fly by and try to blast them with your TORPEDOES. For each tower top you hit, you gain extra points. And by the way, keep an eye open for those deadly fireballs. They're still out there (and after your ship)! Destroy them for extra points, too. Each time a fireball hits your ship, or you hit a tower, you lose 1 energy shield. Survive this round and advance to the next one with your remaining number of energy shields. SURVIVING THE EQUATORIAL TRENCH Round #3 Beyond the LASER TOWERS lies the DEATH STAR's EQUATORIAL TRENCH. Once you're in it, get ready to fly like you've never flown before! As if the attacking fireballs aren't enough, there are all sorts of CATWALKS to avoid as you speed through this narrow passageway. Fly over under, and around them--just don't hit them. Each time you do, or if you're hit by a fireball, you lose an ENERGY SHIELD. Destroy fireballs along the way for extra points or better yet, USE THE FORCE When you've made it past all these CATWALKS keep an eye on the TRENCH's floor. When you see the MAIN REACTOR PORT, let the PROTON TORPEDOES fly. Make a direct hit and DEATH STAR explodes! The REBEL BASE is once again safe from the forces of the EMPIRE. Survive this round and advance to the next WAVE with your remaining number of energy shields--plus bonus shields. END OF WAVE Each WAVE ends when you successfully complete all 3 rounds. As long as your X-WING FIGHTER has not been destroyed, you will automatically advance to the next round, or WAVE. WAVE SELECTION & PROGRESSION After turning the game unit ON, and advancing to the second screen, you may select WAVES 1 through 3 to begin playing by placing your sight (the cursor) over the desired WAVE number and pressing the Fire buttons. The WAVE number will appear in the upper, right-hand side of the screen during game play. You cannot select WAVES 4 and up; you must survive WAVE 3 to advance to WAVE 4, and so on. WAVE # ACTION 1 EASY No Round #2 No CATWALKS in EQUATORIAL TRENCH 2 MEDIUM Round # 2 begins No CATWALKS 3 & up HARD CATWALKS END OF GAME The game ends when you run out of ENERGY SHIELDS and are hit by a fireball or your X-WING FIGHTER hits a CATWALK. To play again, press RESET, then choose the WAVE number you wish to play. SCORING Destroying: TIE FIGHTERS ..........1,000 points DARTH VADER's ship ....2,000 points Fireballs ................33 points Laser Tower Tops: 200 points are earned for destroying the first Laser Tower top. Thereafter, each subsequent Tower top is worth an additional 200 points. EXAMPLE: the first Tower top destroyed is worth 200 points. The second Tower top destroyed is worth 400 points, and so on. Destroying all Laser Tower tops . . .50,000 bonus points Bonus Points and Energy Shields for Destroying the Death Star The number of bonus points earned for destroying the DEATH STAR depends upon the WAVE number at which you begin the game. Start on WAVE 1 Wave Bonus 1-3 ....... 10,000 4-5........ 65,000 6 & up ... 150,000 Start on WAVE 2 Wave Bonus 2-5........ 65,000 6 & up ....150,000 Start on WAVE 3 Wave Bonus 3 & up.....150,000 Whenever you destroy the DEATH STAR, you'll earn 5,000 bonus points for each remaining energy shield-- plus 3 bonus shields. BONUS POINTS FOR USING THE FORCE Depending upon which WAVE you are playing, you will earn bonus points when you destroy the DEATH STAR using THE FORCE: Wave Bonus 1........... 5,000 2 ..........10,000 3 ..........15,000 4...........25,000 5...........50,000 6 & up ....100,000